The Largest Immune Organ: YOUR GUT!
Mar 10, 2022Yes, you read the title right. Besides your gut detoxing your body and absorbing nutrients, one of it’s main jobs is actually maintaining your immune system! Did you know that 70-80% of your immune system lives in your gut?! Now that’s a high percentage you don’t want to mess with!
One thing to note about your immune system is that it triggers inflammation in your body when signaled from your gut’s immune cells. Which means if the inflammation is very very intense this is where it can lead to autoimmune diseases or gut-related illnesses. This is a topic for another day, but I just want to share and stress the importance that when you take care of your gut it really can impact the rest of your body!
So, this week I want to focus on how to create a stronger immune system in your gut! It’s easier than you think AND all it takes is baby steps to incorporate 1 thing at a time to better your health!
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Gut Immunity:
Whether you supplement them OR go a more natural route of eating fermented foods, probiotics bring the good bacteria in your gut to help it function properly. Fermented foods that are bomb diggity include: kimichi, fermented veggies, kombucha (I like Synergy), sauerkraut, kefir, miso and tempeh. **One thing to not when purchasing products, watch the SUGARS and INGREDIENTS. It defeats the purpose of fermented foods if soaking in sugar which actually harms your gut.
Get Those Prebiotics!
Prebiotics are what feed the “good” bacteria in your gut, the probiotics! Both are important and needed to create a happy gut for a happy immune system! Prebiotics, again, can be supplemented but the best way to get them is simply EAT THE RAINBOW! Some amazing prebiotic-rich foods include: asparagus, bananas, garlic, onions, sprouted whole grains, Jerusalem artichoke, broccoli, shredded carrots, and so much more!
Reduce The Sugar, Processed Foods & Refined Grains!
Now hear me out…I’m not saying NEVER EAT THESE AGAIN! I’m just saying, watch how much you are eating daily. The ingredients in these products (especially sugar) feed the “bad” bacteria in your gut killing off all of the beautiful probiotics you have worked so hard to get in there. When this happens that why inflammation is triggered and you get diarrhea or an upset stomach or the heavy, bloated feeling! Reduce it, incorporate more whole foods and your body will thank you!
Rest & Digest
Sleep is the time for your body to recover. To take everything you have given it in the day and put it to work, digest it, release, relax…all the good things so you can feel your best. When you sleep, you are in the “rest & digest” mode giving your body the chance to start absorbing and releasing what it doesn’t need the next day. If you are constantly awake, stressed out this diverts all of that energy from your gut to be in fight or flight mode unable to digest or even properly secrete the needed daily hormones! Beauty sleep is a thing…so just do it!
Watch The Toxins!
When I refer to toxins, I am referring to your cleaning, beauty, and home products. They are filled with toxins that actually kill off the “good” bacteria in your gut as well. These ingredients range from fragrances to bleach to antibacterial to sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) to even every disinfectant created. Keeping it natural is key!
Everything in this article is just the TIP of the iceberg. Want to dive deeper into how you can improve your gut health and release the heavy, icky feeling of your gut dragging you down? I have recently launched the Bombshell-ish Gut Reboot! A 21 day guide filled with gut nourishing recipes & grocery lists PLUS a mini course to dive deeper and help you reboot your gut health on your own terms! Check out more information on the Bombshell-ish Gut Reboot HERE!
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