The Art of Showing Up!
Mar 21, 2022New habits are a b*tch to start…am I right?!
Either you have zero motivation or the motivation is there, you go ham for 1 week then boom…over it and back to your old ways. I TOTALLY get it and struggle myself too (yes even as a health coach). One quote and concept that changed my life when it comes to new habits, “the art of showing up”!
Let me explain, this concept comes from James Clear’s book "Atomic Habits" (HIGHLY RECOMMEND). He explains that you are never going to just wake up one day and make a new habit magically happen consistently for the rest of your life…that’s just not how our brains work! Getting uncomfortable, breaking old comforts zones or mindsets takes time…and takes a lot of awareness. So, one way that you can start incorporating new habits is simple by SHOWING T.F. UP FOR YOURSELF!
I’ll give you my example. I don’t like working out, I used to enjoy it but slowly got out of the habit because it was easier to watch Love Island instead (guilty!). I tried tracking my workouts doing them 3x per week…didn’t work. I tried accountability…didn’t work. It came down to getting so micro with starting this new habit that I now workout 5 minutes per day every day. I am intentionally showing up for myself for those 5 minutes every day until I actually enjoy and crave my workouts before expanding on them.
When you prove to your mind that this new habit is worth it and feels rewarding, your mind will remember it, rewire and start to crave it! All you have to do is SHOW UP!
So, what is 1 habit you are wanting to incorporate in your life that you can get so micro and petty with that you have no excuse but to show up for yourself?!
Is it workouts, like me?
Cooking dinner?
Eating vegetables?
Sex with your partner?
Skin care?
Spending less?
As you can see…it can apply to EVERYTHING! Feel free to share with me what you are going to get micro with! I would love to hear!
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