Making Healthier Foods UNRESISTABLE!
Apr 04, 2022Raise your hand if you think “eating healthy” is simply brown rice, steamed broccoli, and grilled chicken? BORRINNGGGGGGGG. I don’t know about you, but this way of eating healthy gets old REAL FAST.
When I went on my own weight loss journey, I was eating steamed spinach and carrots for lunch, salads for dinner, grilled chicken breasts for days. Food suddenly became very unenjoyable and actually caused binge eating for myself. I don’t want this to happen to you…and if it has, there is a way out my friend!
The BEST thing I ever did during my journey was to learn how to make nourishing food options taste so good…like un-resistible good! Suddenly eating all the fruits and vegetables was easy because it was hidden in the every meal I made…effortless health is where it is at!
SO, how can you start doing this today?
- Put finely chopped veggies in EVERYTHING. Use a food processor (or a hand chopper) to finely dice onions, peppers, herbs, zucchini, or anything else you desire. Then dump those goods into your pasta sauce, chili mixture, taco meat, burger patties, casserole dishes, other sauces or meat mixtures you make! Get creative, because it really adds flavor and nutrients in the best of ways!
- Get creative with swaps! The goal is to reduce processed foods loaded with preservatives and reach for simple ingredients that still pack a punch of flavor. For example, instead of salty chips try making salty kale chips, roasted chickpeas, or sweet potato chips (trust me, they are good)! Instead of prepackaged oatmeal make your own from rolled oats, almond milk topped with berries. Instead of frozen pizza make your own whole wheat pizza dough and top with the finely chopped veggies and all your other favs! This takes practice and mindfulness, but I know you can do it if you want it bad enough!
- Start experimenting with clean seasonings and herbs! These can make a meal 1,000x tastier. Don’t be stingy either, experiment and use as much or as little as you think! Fresh herbs are the best and go for seasonings that don’t have added preservatives. I like reaching for Penzy’s, our local grocery store options, and Trader Joe’s seasonings.
These are just a few ideas to kickstart spicing up your healthier meals you are bored with! Suddenly the brown rice, steamed broccoli and grilled chicken can be jazzed up with a homemade Tzatziki dressing!
Not sure where to start or have the time and energy to experiment? I have the PERFECT solution for you! Join the Bombshell-ish Body Blueprint! It is a self-guided health course to get your health journey back on track! We chat all things intuitive eating, understanding WTF to eat, manifestation and making those new habits stick like boob tapes! Click HERE to learn more and join!
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