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How To Eat Healthy on a Road Trip

Oct 24, 2022

This is the most common question I get on a weekly basis at least. Traveling and keeping to a healthy eating routine is SO HARD…I even struggle sometimes. But I do believe in trying your best to keep a balance because it keeps you feeling energized, in somewhat of a routine, your bowel movements on track and just feeling lighter.

So here are my top tips on how to keep a healthy balance while road tripping!

Pack breakfast and lunch for the first day on the road.

I highly recommend for the first day to keep your body fueled the way you normally would. It just keeps everything regular even with the long day ahead of sitting. I typically pack for breakfast a protein shake or something simple like a banana with raw unsalted nuts and a cheese stick! For lunch I will pack my husband a sandwich and a salad for myself with lots of protein and veggies or I will do a tuna salad with chopped pickles, carrots, red onion and Primal Kitchen mayo.

Snack bag go-to’s.

It’s not a road trip without a snack bag! Plus the less stops the better and the more money you save if you are going a long distance. In our snack bag you will find products like Kirkland’s apple sauce packs, cheese sticks, Skinny Pop popcorn, Cheez-Its (it’s our guilty pleasure), RX or Larabar granola bars, raw unsalted nuts, banana or apples with peanut butter, and/or make my own peanut butter oat balls.

Snack go-to’s at a gas station.

Gas stations can be very difficult to find something healthier to munch on. What I typically reach for is a cheese stick, an RX granola bar, black coffee with cream, banana or apple, beef stick (I like to do EPIC if they have it or the one with the least amount of sugar added), hard boiled eggs, salt free trail mix, Justin’s peanut butter, or sometimes even plain cottage cheese.


The hardest part is staying hydrated during a road trip. Noone wants to stop every hour to pee! So I like to pack LMNT salts OR coconut water to enjoy to boost hydration. It especially helps if a headache sets on to help ease it.

Get a perk that makes the trip enjoyable.

This is always a must. There is nothing like a Venti Starbucks Cold Brew with vanilla, light ice and heavy cream to add a perk to every road trip I go on. Whatever your guilty pleasure is that makes the day better even if you are stuck sitting do it! Have fun and make it worth every sip or bite!

Always pack your supplements.

I used to get anxiety if I would over pack. Dumb thing to get anxious over if you ask me. So I’ve gotten over it and started packing ALL of my supplements no matter how annoying and take them as needed throughout the day. Staying on track just helps my body feel it’s best so I can enjoy every second. This is what I load all of my supplements into so I don’t have to pack every bottle: Meds Pro Pill Organizer

I hope you find this helpful for your long road trips ahead! These little things can make a HUGE difference in how you feel when you travel. It is worth taking the extra time to pack and prep…trust me!

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