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Healing Sound Frequencies & Where to Start!

May 10, 2022

Sound therapy, sound bowls, binaural beats, healing frequencies…so many options where do you even start?!

I love listening to binaural beats to help me focus, relax, boost my mood, and even sleep. There is so much power and healing that sound can do for your body that isn’t talked about enough! So to get you started, here is a little breakdown of what frequencies to listen to for specific goals, needs, benefits, and healing!

396 Hz Benefits:

  • Gives power to your goals.
  • Reduces feelings of guilt, even deep guilt in your subconscious.
  • Helps you overcome fears that a holding you back from realizing your dreams and goals.
  • Releases you from subconscious negative beliefs and thoughts.

417 Hz Benefits:

  • Removes negative energy from your body, home and office.
  • Removes negative thoughts and behavior patterns.
  • Undo situations with negative outcomes.
  • Can bring change into your life and others and start of new beginnings in life!
  • Aid in coming out of trauma.

528 Hz Benefits: (my favorite)

  • Promotes sleep.
  • Promotes reducing stress (cortisol) in your body.
  • Can bring transformation and miracles into your life.
  • Increases energy.
  • Helps boost self esteem and confidence.
  • This is the love, miracle, transformation frequency!

639 Hz Benefits:

  • Allows harmony in relationships such as family, partners, friends, or social circle.
  • Can be used for dealing with relationship problems.
  • Encourage your cells to communicate with your environment.
  • Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

741 Hz Benefits:

  • Cleans your cells.
  • Removes toxins from your body AND detoxifies cells and organs.
  • Cleans the harmful radiations and EMFs in your body, home, and office.
  • Purifies your mind and body helping you lead a healthier, simple life.

852 Hz Benefits:

  • Helps awaken your intuition and inner strengthen.
  • Helps you return to your spiritual order allowing you to embrace spirit.
  • Raises cell energy.
  • Redirect your mind away from overthinking or negative thought patterns.

963 Hz Benefits:

  • Raises positive energy and vibrations helping you return to your “Oneness” – your very source. If you feel disconnected this frequency can help you.
  • Awakens your body to its original, perfect state.
  • Enables “cellular enlightenment” and transform the cell to a higher level.

I hope this inspires you to throw in some head phones and start healing your thoughts, body and soul!



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