Foods & Herbs that Heal: SWEET POTATOES!
Mar 07, 2022I am a firm believer that foods is medicine and can truly help heal your body if given the chance. So this week’s food feature is the glorious sweet potatoes…one of my favorites especially for my digestive healing journey! Plus, they are just delicious!
Sweet Potato Benefits:
- Strengthens immune system
- Help manage stress and anxiety
- Supports digestion
- May improve memory
- Supports eye health
- Anti-inflammatory
- Supports healthy blood sugar levels (your hormones will love this!)
- Helps detox heavy metals
- Great for lung functions
- May support clear skin
- Boosts energy levels
- Soothes the stomach
- Helps prevent constipation
- Help manage diabetes
Holy buckets…that’s a lot of benefits in one simple root! One particular benefit I want to focus on is supporting digestion (just because it’s my favorite topic)!
Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber which we all know helps get things moving and potentially prevent constipation BUT it also helps great a healthy gut microbiome so you can have a stronger immune system, digest foods better, have more energy, less brain fog, reduce inflammation, clear skin and so much more. Sweet potatoes can act like a prebiotic, it truly can help create the “good” microbes your gut needs to feel tip top shape. You gut is where most diseases either start…or where you can harvest a body that feels good. So just eat the darn rainbow starting with sweet potatoes!
What you need:
- 2 large sweet potatoes, sliced into fries
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
**Feel free to add a favorite fry seasoning but just watch the ingredients and sugars in the seasoning! I like to add garlic or chili to zest it up a bit!
What to do:
- Preheat oven to 400°F.
- Slice up the potatoes, place on a foil lined baking sheet. Lather in olive oil and seasonings. Place in the oven for 25-40 minutes (or however crispy/soft you’d like it).
- Pull out of the oven, let cool and enjoy!
If you want to dive deeper into some of the benefits this is a great article!
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