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Courtney's November Wellness Favs!

Nov 30, 2022

Back by popular demand, my monthly health and wellness favorites! Let me know if you try any of these items and what your favs are!

Drink Fav: Coconut Water with Pomegranate Juice

One day I really wanted some electrolytes but just wasn’t feeling chugging some coconut water. So, I did about 1 cup coconut water and a heavy 2 splashes of pomegranate juice with some ice…pure heaven! Electrolytes, gut health loving and just delicious!

Quick Food Fav: Kirkland Hummus Snack Packs

When I’m feeling too lazy to make my own hummus or want something that travels well…these hummus packs are the best! All you have to do is grab the veggies to go with it. If I’m in a hurry I usually just grab baby carrots, pretzels and broccoli.

Kitchen Fav: Reusable Muffin Cups

Chickpea muffins are my favorite to make…but I hate how much it sticks to paper liners. That is why I love these reusable muffin cups. Easy to clean, easy to cook with and anything reusable is always a huge plus!

Home Fav: Essential Oils Diffuser with Salt Lamp

One of my friends bought me this diffuser when I moved into a small space…and I LOVE IT! The calming energy of the salt plus the ability to diffuse oils, it’s just a win win for a small home cleansing tool!

Beauty Fav: Acure Moisturizer

I have been putting off switching my daily moisturizer forever…Olay has been my tried and true. But I really wanted to see what cleaner brands have to offer. I absolutely love Acure’s moisturizer with the SPF in it. It goes on smooth, I like the ingredients they use, and I hardly even feel it on my face.

Book Fav: Jenna Kutcher's Book How Are You Really?

This book has been a breathe of fresh air. It is very different from most personal development books I have read (and I have read A LOT). It’s relatable and just makes you truly check-in with yourself so you can live a life you enjoy.

Habit Fav: HabitShare App

This app has been such a great resource for myself, accountability with my friends and using it with my clients! I love that you can share habits with friends to keep you on track and have accountability when you really really need it!

Overall Healthy Living Fav: Taspen’s Cayenne Pepper Rub

This rub has been something my family and I have used for a very long time. And I recommend it to client’s all the time when dealing with headaches, sciatic, neck pain…you name it! The cayenne in it truly helps reduce inflammation and just relieves your body. Just try it…trust me!

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