Courtney's Healthy Halloween & Fall Favorites!
Oct 31, 2022
Where are all my fall and Halloween lover’s at?! For me…I personally LOVE Thanksgiving. The food, the gathering, the gratitude, it all just feels very calming and grounding…and I mean who doesn’t love a plate of stuffing!
I love gathering my favorite healthier products to share with you each month and figured a Halloween theme was PERFECT. Enjoy!
Candy favs: Smart Sweets
Candy isn’t something I want often, but when I do…it’s peach rings! And Smart Sweets makes a “cleaner” version so I can enjoy it without feeling anxious (yes I probably have a touch of orthorexia…don’t be like me lol). They come out with so many different candy options every year and are a great alternative for the family!
Pumpkin favs: Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte or Pumpkin Truffles
These recipes in are in my membership! I absolutely love taking something like a sugar filled PSL and making it healthier…the key, using REAL pumpkin…it just takes it to the next level!
Deodorant for getting scared sh*tless: Schmidt’s Sensitive Skin Deodorant
I’ve tried a lot of deodorants and decided to give this one a shot (since it is found in most stores) and actually LOVE IT! Highly recommended and keeps me smelling good even when I sweat…and let me tell you I am a sweater!
Cozy candle fav: Trader Joe’s Vanilla Pumpkin
I’m not a candle fan, the smells usually are overload for me…but I love a good candle on a fall day! This one is pretty good and not completely full of toxins like most candles!
Squash fav: Delicata Squash
**This squash is seriously a forgotten, underrated squash. It just tastes SO GOOD and not like squash at all. PLUS the skin is edible. To cook: Preheat oven to 425F. Cut the squash in half, scoop out the seeds, then cut into moon shape slices about ¼ to ½ inch thick. Lather in olive oil, salt and pepper. Bake for 20 minutes, flip then back for another 15 minutes or until golden brown/slightly crispy. Enjoy!
Movie fav: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
This movie brings such nostalgia from my childhood watching it every Halloween. It never gets old even as an adult.
Cocktail fav: Spiked Hot Apple Cider
I like to use Target’s Good & Gather Apple Cider with 1-2 ounces of organic Prairie Vodka. Just a fun cozy cocktail to enjoy!
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